Week 99

Week 99

What’s on Our Mind?

September started with a bang. We have a new exciting partnership cooking, and our ecosystem is rapidly developing and expanding. We have begun a growth process by recruiting new engineers, business developers, and marketers to the team. In turn, we will be growing these efforts in the coming months with initiatives such as grants, hackathons, and further support for our ecosystem projects.

~ Buer

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

Economic model update prepared, validation upgrade in testing. Relay chain upgrade continues. EVM compatibility work continues. Broad ecosystem growth.

This Week’s Commitments:

Close hiring round. Deploy new $CHER economic model. Expand sales and marketing efforts.




  • Seedling $LUMII token sale
  • Seedling joins LAToken listing competition
  • Unigate caching updated
  • Cherry Labs University beta community testing
  • JuniPR agency joins as ecosystem marketing partner
  • ProsopAI development continued
  • Tipster private alpha continued
  • Spherelink liquid staking facility add statistics and improved monitoring
  • Seedling upgrade to dynamic token sale in preparation of interlaunchpad promotions
  • Unigate caching update testing
  • Memento soft launch
  • Cherry Labs University launch
  • Tipster private alpha continues
  • ProsopAI community testing

Human Resources

Cherry Network and Cherry Labs welcome 5 new engineers and at least one new business staff. JuniPR agency awarded partnership to market Cherry Labs incubated projects.