Week 98

Week 98

What’s on Our Mind?

After the summer-month slumber, and despite continued unfavorable market conditions, activity on the Cherry Network and its ecosystem is picking up. Both core and ecosystem work continues undeterred.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

Cherry Network’s upgrade into a Relay Chain is continuing. The core team has reorganized our codebases, and updated and open-sourced much of our interoperability and storage module repositories.

This Week’s Commitments:

We are formulating significant upgrades to the network including the $CHER economic model and NPoS consensus. The ecosystem is also in rapid expansion.




Continued conversation on strongest partnership opportunity yet presented. More information to be disclosed once agreement reached.

Welcomed new minor ecosystem entries including an environmental social action NFT.

Existing Ecosystem

Helping bring the existing, strong ecosystem to the finish line. Expanding incubation services and promoting soft launches, compensating for market conditions we cannot control.

Existing Ecosystem

Human Resources

New hiring round initiated expanding internal marketing and engineering teams. Includes an internship program launched on week 97, and broad professional hiring across Cherry Network and Cherry Labs.


Confirmed team attendance at Websummit in Lisbon, Portugal on November 1-4 2022.

Partners & Exchanges

Listing on top 50 exchange coinsbit.io with pairs against USDT and BTC. Trading to begin August 30 2022.