Week 97

Week 97

What’s on Our Mind?

Ecosystem growth has been slow. Deadlines weren’t met and parts of our roadmap postponed. This has been an response to the recent market slump. We could look to our competitors and enumerate the reasons why Cherry is better and kept more promises (indeed given the same limitations, Cherry is fairing better in the metrics that matter). Instead, we looked within. We found a renewed passion and drive for excellence. The Cherry Network and its Ecosystem are building revolutionary decentralized systems whose impact extends far beyond the daily trading trends. We invite our staff, partners, and community to join us once more in our pursuit of the Cherry Vision, with a renewed faith in our mission and confidence in our team.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

The Cherry Ecosystem grows daily. And the core development proceeds at pace introducing exciting new features such as full EVM compatibility, Relay Chain, and the Storage Module. All this and more is under active development.

This Week’s Commitments:

We are happy with the state of the project and its ecosystem. We will expand the team and seek to launch some of the ecosystem projects already built.




  • Memento final stages pre-release
  • Unigate team renews commitment to further integration within Cherry Ecosystem
  • Cherry Labs University content review
  • Cherish team expands

Began work on a central repository of all ecosystem projects to gather news from across the Cherry Ecosystem and record the status of the various project that compose it.

  • Memento testing
  • Cherry Labs University testing begins
  • Spherelink improve liquid staking interface

Partners & Exchanges

Upcoming listing on top 50 exchange.