Week 96

Week 96

What’s on Our Mind?

We foresee choppy markets ahead. We reduced our company spending as a consequence. These steps allow us to endure these short term circumstances. We are confident in Web3’s paradigm-shifting future which we have prepared to pursue despite the harshest market conditions.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

Cherry Network’s upgrade into a Relay Chain is continuing. The core team has reorganized our codebases, and updated and open-sourced much of our interoperability and storage module repositories.

This Week’s Commitments:

We are formulating significant upgrades to the network including the $CHER economic model and NPoS consensus. The ecosystem is also in rapid expansion.




  • Partnership with Shiblet, an API-as-a-service company consuming data on Cherry’s decentralized Storage module.
  • Cherry Labs University courses redacted
  • Seedling $WITLY token sale launch
  • Memento testing
  • Tipster private alpha continues