Week 92

Week 92

What’s on Our Mind?

After weeks of meditation and hard thought on how to best approach the new status quo (which we identify as a medium-term contraction of the blockchain industry), we now predict smooth sailing ahead. Much of the work done behind the scenes until now will soon unfold in a public display of excellence of the Cherry Network and its Ecosystem.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

The project was attacked. This was later identified as a social engineering vulnerability which was promptly addressed and resolved. User funds are safe, and the network is stable.

This Week’s Commitments:

We invite users to join our team and the broader Ecosystem to understand and better promote the Cherry Network features through a concerted educational and promotional effort of the core team and its capital partners.




  • GrantStead in testing
  • Original Factory testing
  • Unigate b2c testing
  • Orchard stable alpha
  • Prosopai in development

The next few weeks will see the release of multiple smaller-scale projects and the initial deployment of some of the larger flagship applications of the Cherry Ecosystem. The team will continue supporting its existing partners over acquiring new ones.

Existing Ecosystem


Confirm scheduled community meetup in Amsterdam, The Kingdom of the Netherlands in the last week of July 2022