Week 91

Week 91

What’s on Our Mind?

As we navigate the choppy waters ahead we focus on our core competencies and established high-value partnerships. Cherry is dedicated to researching and developing its foundational technology and supporting its partners in their use of it.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

Built out further means of interactions between users and the Cherry Network by means of the DAO forum which enables participation in the Project’s governance, and testing to shed more light on the node logic.

This Week’s Commitments:

Strengthen our core efforts and longstanding ecosystem partnerships. While the market remains erratic, our commitment is constant.




  • Cherry Labs opens an M&A desk to identify and finance acquisition targets for relaunch within the Cherry Ecosystem
  • Unigate b2c sprint continues
  • Cherry Labs reveals its efforts to educate users in their use of Cherry and blockchain as a whole: Cherry Labs University
  • Grantstead development begins


Announced meetup in Amsterdam, The Kingdom of the Netherlands in the last week of July 2022