Week 89

Week 89

What’s on Our Mind?

The mainnet is working without fault. We now shift our attention to expanding our ecosystem, mindful of the dynamic and changing conditions of the cryptocurrency markets and global economy. Cherry takes stock of these dynamics and adapts its strategy to endure troublesome markets where others may fail.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

We are adjusting to the changing market conditions. We now favor quality over quantity, seeking ecosystem projects able to maintain themselves and promote further ecosystem expansion independent from outside funding sources.

This Week’s Commitments:

Another new landmark advancement in Cherry Network’s mainnet early life: Nominated Proof of Stake consensus is set to go officially live. Everyone can participate in securing our network by staking both on-chain and on the BNB Chain through the facilities developed by our partners Spherelink.




Take account of changing economic conditions. Capital is more expensive. Focus on quality over quantity!

  • Spherelink launch
  • Bunkr expansion
  • Cherry Labs Learning Center in collaboration with Seedling

Partners & Exchanges

LAToken exchange listing