Week 86

Week 86

What’s on Our Mind?

One week from now the Cherry Network mainnet will drop. This is an exciting time for our project and the entire team is dedicated to making this release as smooth as possible. Its success, however, also depends on you! Test our software, tell your friends, or simply cheer us on. Together, we will shape a brighter future for web3.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

All of our year-long efforts are coming together. To give our community and collaborators the utmost visibility we released our public accountability dashboard.

This Week’s Commitments:

We are happy with the state of the project and its ecosystem. We now need to put it all together in these pivotal next few weeks.




New Entries
Existing Ecosystem
Existing Ecosystem

News & Media

We are ramping up efforts with media partners and KoLs in the promotion of Cherry Network’s launch and its ecosystem. Many and varied stakeholders involved.

Further activate community and investors. Aim for multiple publications in tier 3+ media outlets. Mainnet release PR. Promotions.