Week 85

Week 85

What’s on Our Mind?

Most of the work toward the mainnet release in 2 weeks is complete. We have been exploring ways to further expand Cherry’s interoperability to the better known general purpose networks (e.g. Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, etc). A few weeks ago we proposed 3 alternatives: we have decided to adopt EVM as a sidechain (parachain). This will make Cherry Network fully compatible with EVM-powered smart contracts.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

We are slowly shifting from building to expansion phase. We are brainstorming and implementing new and exciting ways to grow and nourish the Cherry Ecosystem.

This Week’s Commitments:

We are happy with the state of the project and its ecosystem. We now need to put it all together in these pivotal next few weeks.




New Entries
Existing Ecosystem
Existing Ecosystem

News & Media

We are ramping up efforts with media partners and KoLs in the promotion of Cherry Network’s launch and its ecosystem. Many and varied stakeholders involved.

Further activate community and investors. Aim for multiple publications in tier 3+ media outlets. Mainnet release PR. Promotions.

Human Resources

Began hiring push to sustain our ecosystem growth efforts. Mostly javascript full stack engineers with some experience in web3.

Continue hiring. Establish better testing and metrics to weed out candidates and save time. Hire at least 2 mids this week.


Shared pictures and experiences of previous week’s London meetup.

Begin planning for Seville meetup. Merchandising and other promotional material.