Week 138

Week 138

What’s on Our Mind?

It’s been a while since our latest diary entry, a worthy practice we are committed to pursuing in the future. We accomplished a lot in the past weeks and have matured interesting plans for our project’s future that deserve to be recorded publicly and shared with the Cherry community. We are in the midst of a broader crypto slump, but work in Cherry continues as usual, albeit with some adjustments made to focus on building real value and ultimately ensuring the long-term success of our Project.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

The EVM-compatibility parachain is deployed and online on testnet. We are gradually building documentation and conducting tests with the assistance of technical community users and partners.

This Week’s Commitments:

The long-awaited bug bounty will introduce the EVM compatibility parachain to the public with easy tasks accessible to non-technical users in order to experiment with this product and help us assess its mainnet readiness.



Partners & Exchanges

We welcomed ProjectKilla and 32Ventures to our partner roster and as validators of the Cherry Network Relay Chain. At this time, the core team is approaching our most experienced partners to mature a strategy and coordinate next steps in Cherry’s growth.