Week 102

Week 102

What’s on Our Mind?

After around 7 days of faulty block production, Cherry Network activity resumed successfully.

~Herman P Jacobs a.k.a Seraphim

Last Week’s Accomplishments:

The NPoS bug was ultimately fixed by a chain reset. All chain data was imported to the genesis block of a new block chain. No data is therefore lost, and CHER balances are safe.

This Week’s Commitments:

We enter the final stage of relay chain upgrade testing.


  • NPoS issue resolved
  • Relay chain final testing, ready to deploy on public testnet
  • Monitor chain for issues introduced by NPoS bug fix
  • XCM cross chain teleport testing


  • Cherish redesign continues; new team member added
  • Original Factory soft launch ready
  • Cherish media processing pipeline for efficiency and moderation


Team will attend WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal, on November 1-4, 2022.